Parents, grandparents, friends, family, and community are all invited to become a part of Central Elementary's PTO by joining anytime throughout the school year. No commitment is required, and your membership shows your support for Central Elementary and works to build up our school!

Ready to join?  Click here to download the membership form or click below to join online today!


Check us out on Facebook @Bixby Central Elementary PTO  
There you will see all the latest news. There is also a link to the online store where you can buy spirit wear, join PTO, and/or donate to PTO. Please see the pinned post for that link. 

To sign up for PTO emails, please send an email with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line to:

Central Elementary PTO logo

KEEP CLIPPING BOX TOPS! Last year we earned a total of over $1,000 from the Box Tops you clipped and donated - so keep clipping and saving them so we can beat that number in the next school year! New this year is the Box Tops Bonus App. Simply download it to your smart phone, shop, scroll through the available offers on the app and then upload a photo of your receipt. You collect the box tops from your physical products and you can also collect bonus box tops online!

Save your Box Tops and turn in by October 11th or send them in any time of the school year, and we will hold on to them until the next official collection date. Remember to mark your student's teacher's name on the plastic bag so the count goes to your class' total. The class that brings in the most wins a party AND the Box Tops Trophy!


You Should Join...
Joining doesn't mean you have to volunteer or are required to attend meetings. Joining just means you are showing your support for our students, teachers, and school. (Everyone can join - parents, grandparents, & friends AND it is just $7 for a membership!)

Being a Member Has Its Benefits...
Every single dollar of the $7 membership dues are used to support PTO programs in our school. Being a part of our school PTO is a great way to get to know families with kids the same age as your own - possibly your kid's future friends, and you can become a greater part of your student's early education (remember...they won't be little for long).

Our PTO Is Building UP Our School...
From family centered social events to buying playground equipment to funding educational resources through teacher grants, parents and teachers are working together to make our great school even greater.

You Are the Most Important Part...
Want to volunteer a little? Want to volunteer a lot? From helping plan an event to passing out popsicles, the school & PTO (and especially the kids!) would LOVE to have you help out. Just let us know what you want to do, however big or little.

It's Not Just Fundraisers - It's FUN!!
Come share a donut with your kiddo at Donuts for Dads, pass the popcorn at Family Movie Night, or help out the Bixby Outreach's Summer Food Drive at Spring Bingo. Central PTO hosts events throughout the school year, and we know just how important GREAT families are to our GREAT come share yours.